Dr Pushpvardhan Mandlecha

Effective Solutions for Clubfoot Treatment

clubfoot treatment

Clubfoot is a condition where a baby’s feet turn inward or downward. While it might seem daunting, most children with clubfoot can lead active, healthy lives with the right clubfoot treatment. The key to success is early diagnosis and care to help the child regain normal movement and mobility.

Why Early Treatment Matters

The earlier treatment begins, the better the chances of a full recovery. In many cases, non-invasive methods like bracing, casting, and stretching are highly effective in correcting clubfoot. One of the most successful approaches is the Ponseti method, which uses a series of casts to gradually adjust the feet into a natural position. Starting treatment within the first few weeks after birth gives the baby the best chance for a full recovery, as their bones are still soft and easier to reshape.

Non-Surgical Treatment: The Ponseti Method

The Ponseti technique is one of the most well-known and effective non-surgical treatments for clubfoot. It involves placing the baby’s feet in a series of casts, each one realigning the foot step by step. Regular follow-up appointments are necessary during the casting process, which typically lasts for several weeks.

After the feet are properly aligned, a special foot brace is used to maintain the foot in its new position and prevent it from returning to its original shape. The brace is worn for several months, and its use gradually decreases as the child’s foot grows and strengthens. This non-invasive approach often leads to excellent results when followed carefully.

Surgery for Severe Cases

In more severe cases of clubfoot, non-surgical methods might not be enough. Surgery may be necessary to fully realign the foot. Surgical procedures typically involve loosening tight ligaments and lengthening tendons to adjust the foot’s position.

While surgery is less common, it’s an option for children whose feet don’t improve with the Ponseti method or who have more complex cases. After surgery, physical therapy is crucial to help the child regain full movement in their foot.

Clubfoot Treatment in Indore: Expert Care for Your Child

Families seeking treatment for clubfoot in Indore will find medical centers with specialists who focus on providing personalized care. These facilities offer both the Ponseti method for early-stage clubfoot treatment and surgical options for more severe cases. Doctors and healthcare providers tailor treatment plans to meet the specific needs of each child, ensuring the best possible outcome.


With the right treatment, children with clubfoot can grow up to live active, fulfilling lives. Thanks to advancements in non-surgical methods like the Ponseti technique and skilled surgical procedures, clubfoot treatment in Indore has become highly effective, making clubfoot no longer a life-altering condition. With early intervention and expert care, children can walk, run, and play like their peers, free from the limitations of this condition.”